April 12, 2006

Remote ordering extra fries

It is Khmer New Year-- Chunpo Chnam Thmei to y'all by the way-- and despite all counterparts in the Ministry of Health off on vacation and/or firing short of a synapse for weeks before and after the holidays, we foreigners are here at work. That craving for things not-so-Cambodian has struck again. And for some odd reason those golden arches plucks at the fringes of fancy-- it isn't really what I'm hankering for, but McDonalds are momentarily reminiscent of the familiar {{shoot me now}}}.

So check this out: How about remote-ordering extra fries? Ah the things I miss out on...

In Other News...

Deanna Hirschey and her fanny pack have been spotted in Cambodia fretting over endangered monkeys at Wat Phnom and feeding hungry street children Italian food.

And Doualy Xaykaothao, IRP Fellow at Johns Hopkins University and Foreign Correspondent Extraordinaire, will be LIVE on C-Span Television on Wednesday 12 April 1400 EST (Daylight Savings Time).

And this from Scrapple Face:
The United States will not seek a seat on the new United Nations Human Rights Council, according to U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, who said the application for the post included the question: “Have you stopped beating your prisoners?”

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